SNC 411

Referencias correspondientes a la pieza SNC 411


1- Suppes T, Datto C, Minkwitz M, et al. Corridendum to «Eectiveness of the Extended Release Formulation of Quetiapine as Monotherapy for the Treatment of Acute Bipolar Depression» [J Aect Disord. 121(1-2)(2010)106-115]. J Aect Disord. 2014;168:485-493.

2- Data on file, 3017412, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP.

3- Seroquel XR: Información para prescribir.

4- Escitalopram for the management of major depressive disorder: areview of its ecacy, safety, and patient acceptability. This article was published in the following Dove Press Journal: Patient Preferent and adherence. 3 December 2012.

5- Novo Humorap: Información para prescribir.

6- Humorap: Información para prescribir.

7- Thase ME1, Ferguson JM, Lydiard RB, Wilcox CS..Citalopram treatmentof paroxetine-intolerant depressed patients. Depress Anxiety.2002;16(3):128-33.

8- Tryptanol: Información para prescribir.

9- Preskorn SH, Nichols AI, Paul J, Patroneva AL, Helzner EC, Guico-Pabia CJ. Efect of desvenlafaxine on the cytochrome P45O 2D6 enzyme system.J Psychiatr Pract. 2OO8;14(6):368-378.

10- 11-Boyer P1, Montgomery S, Lepola U, Germain JM, Brisard C, Ganguly R, Padmanabhan SK, Tourian KA. Eficacy, safety, and tolerability offixed-dose desvenlafaxine 50 and 100 mg/day for major depressive disorder in a placebo-controlled trial. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2OO8 Sep;23(5):24353. doi: 10.1097/YIC.ObO13e3283Ocebed.

11- Noxibel: Información para prescribir.

12- Neupax: Información para prescribir.

13- Van Marwijk H, Allick G, Wegman F, Bax A, Riphagen II. Alprazolamfor depression. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 7.
Art. No.: CD007139. DOI: 0.1002/14651858.CD007139. pub2.

14- Julie Dopheide et al. The Psychopharmacology of Anxiety. Psychiatry Times. March 2002. Vol 19, Issue 3.

15- Tranquinal: Información para prescribir.

16- Rosembaum. J. The Development of Clonazepam as a Psychotropic: The Massachusets. General Hospital Experience. Clin. Psychiatry 2004, (suppl5) 3-6.

17- Nocte Sublingual: Información para prescribir.

18- Octanyl: Información para prescribir.

19- Kalmalin: Información para prescribir.


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